Applesauce by Patrick G. Redford - Book

If you're a fan of any card at any number, 51 faces north, or even just
simple hard hitting card magic, you'll want a taste of Applesauce. This
book includes Patrick's much sought after secret to his Any Thought of
Card at Any Thought of Number (Applesauce) along side twelve other
routines that include Mind Reading, The Evolution of a Rain King, Storm,
Advantageous, Wipe-out, Stop Poker Tells, Stop Revelation for Platform,
Card Counter, The O.P. Spread, Standing Prediction, and Fishing for
One. The book also introduces new moves and for the first time teaches
Redford's Double MC Kraser Force. 156 pages, hardcover.
between these covers is real world useable material that has been
developed in front of live audiences of both magicians and laymen.
Patrick Redford has been asked to price this high to keep it out of
prying curious eyes. It was suggested that this book sell for $150.00 in
a hard cover format. This was for the secret to the main effect
Applesauce alone. Howard Hamburg touted the main effect as one of the
most astounding effect he's ever seen performed. That's saying
"Some of the most astounding effects I have ever seen performed."
- Howard Hamburg
"Grab a deck of cards, pull up a chair, and enjoy the truly delightful work that awaits you."
- John Carey
"Another fun set of clever, useful, and subtle ideas from the fertile mind of Patrick Redford."
- Paul Vigil
will be the go-to book for this kind of effect for a long time. So many
great subtleties that can be used in a huge number of ways. This is the
perfect example of how devastating and clean mentalism can appear when
using some of the techniques of the card magician. But the pure card
magician should enter only at his or her peril--Acting Required Here!!"
- Jack Shalom
only made it through the first two effects 'Applesauce' and
'Horsefeathers'. As far as I'm concerned those are worth the price of
admission right there. I look forward to making my way through this
excellent book. It's an absolute steal at 60 dollars!"
- David Martin
Redford's new book, Applesauce, is a must have. The first two items
alone, Applesauce and Horsefeathers are worth the price of admission.
Patrick has pushed the concepts of the PM Principle to new and exciting
places. These routines are extraordinarily strong and deceptive. Patrick
also gives away his A material on apparently memorizing a shuffled
deck. I have seen him perform many of the items in the book. They kill."
- Mike Powers