Secure your roof storage space withVEVOR van ladder racks
VEVOR van ladder racks feature heavy-dutysupport made of alloy steel with a weight capacity of 750 lbs.Ideal for carrying large items such as ladders, wood, kayaks, andmore. The surface is galvanized to resist corrosion and rust.
Our upgraded roof ladder van rackundergoes a galvanizing process, ensuring superior resistanceagainst rust, corrosion, and abrasion. And the racks are imperviousto harsh weather conditions and sand impacts.
With an extendable length ranging from40.2 in to 74.8 in, our roof ladder racks cover smaller van modelswith rain gutters, perfect for your vehicle.
Our roof van racks come with side ropehooks, allowing you to securely strap down your belongings (strapsnot included) and ensure they stay in place during transit. No needto worry about noise or roof vibration while driving.
Constructed from high-strength alloysteel, our roof ladder racks provide 750 lbs support capacity anddurability. They are perfect for securely transporting large itemssuch as ladders, lumber, pipes, and kayaks.