You are purchasing a 30 minute DVD from the Super Saints Series on the life/apparitions of Saint Michael the Archangel,  hosted by Bob and Penny Lord and recorded in Italy at His Cave, in Mont St Michel in France and the Grotto in Mexico

The accounts of the appearance of Saint Michael the Archangel at the Cave of Saint Michael in Italy and Mont St Michel in France and Grotto in Mexico.

First to the Gargano, Italy,

where Saint Michael claimed a cave for the 
Heavenly Army of Angels in the year 496.

Discover the history and tradition of this Pilgrimage site.

Next Mont Saint Michel in France,
in Normandy, France, where the Archangel claimed the mountain for himself and the Heavenly Hosts.

Third San Miguel Grotto in Mexico
where Saint Michael gave us a grotto with Miraculous waters.


If you would like to learn more about the life and aparations of Saint Michael the

Archangel, we have a 24 page pamphlet/booklet written by Bob and Penny Lord .

We also have a book titled: Heavenly Army of Angels where a chapter is dedicated to

Saint Michael. Authors are also Bob and Penny Lord. These and more items of Saint Michael as in separate listings.

Please visit our other listing to find more books and DVD written by Bob and Penny Lord.

If you have any questions please let us know.

We will combine shipping if you buy more than 1 item.

God bless you!

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