Blackbird Designs Our Lasting Friendship - Cross Stitch Pattern

Includes Three Designs Celebrating Friendship:

ALL Designs Are Stitched On: 36 Ct. Legacy by Picture This Plus

My Heart to Hold - Memory Box: An elegant design with birds & flowers. Stitch Count: 131w x 78h - 8x 5, Threads: CC - Balsam Fir, Camouflage, Caramel, Fool's Gold, Gingerbread, Secret Garden, Straw Hat & WDW - Oak, Tarragon

Shepherd's Bush Pincushion: Blooming flowers & chirping birds surrounded this adorable cottage. Stitch Count: 67w x 69h - 4 x 4, Threads: CC - Balsam Fir, Camouflage, Caramel, Fool's Gold, Gingerbread, Secret Garden, Straw Hat & WDW - Oak, Tarragon

Our Lasting Friendship: "May this be the token of our lasting friendship," is stitched in the middle of wildlife & blooming flowers. Stitch Count: 201w x 22h - 12 x 13, Threads: CC - Balsam Fir, Camouflage, Caramel, Fool's Gold, Gingerbread, Secret Garden, Straw Hat & WDW - Oak, Tarragon