Die-cast Aluminum Cookware The last manufacturing process is die casting. It is characterized by forcing molten metal under high pressure into a mould cavity which has the desired pan shape. Die casting allows working with different aluminium thicknesses, which contributes to better heat distribution and even cooking results. One of the most significant benefits of aluminum die casting is that it creates lighter parts—with more surface finishing options than other die cast alloys.Moreover, cast aluminum is corrosion resistant and retains high dimensional stability. Granite Cookware Set Granite cookware is one of the many types of enamelware. Despite its name, it doesn't contain any granite and is only named as such because of its similarity in appearance. If you're looking for nonstick cookware that can replace your pans, then you've probably heard of granite cookware. Granite cookware tends to be a better alternative to ceramic cookware due to its higher durability and aesthetic qualities.