Gleaming eyes, screeching voices, glistening wings: black amber, black orchid, black currant, olive blossom, wood violet, lavender, blue musk, rose attar, and cedar.

2007 Review: 

The Emathides is one of those scents that smells completely different in the bottle than it does on my skin. Sniffing from the bottle I get a light, herbal fruitiness. I can definitely smell the lavender, and maybe a bit of the black currant - something fruity, anyway.


Once it hits my skin, though - deep, dark, caramel-like amber. The deepest, richest, most syrupy amber you can imagine. Did I say deep? It's deep. And dark.


After a while I get traces of some of the from-the-bottle herbiness floating around as well. I get a little bit of musk, and a little bit of what I think might be the wood violet (although I'm not positive).


On me it turns really sweet after a while. It's all smooth edges - nothing floral or bitter or herbal at all. Yep - rich and sweet and smooth. Good stuff.

    A LOT OF LUNACY 2007

    See pictures for further description.  Brand new condition, unused.  Stored properly in cardboard out of sunlight in a climate controlled home.  All my BPAL buyers will receive a free gift as a thank you.  

     5 ml Bottle.  A Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Limited Edition blend.