The Fourth Edition of High Acuity Nursing delivers essential understanding of complex patients and instructs both students and nurses on how to provide nursing care in varied clinical settings. Broken down into a series of learner-focused, High Acuity Nursing takes complex information and presents it in smaller, more accessible chunks that promote easier mastery by readers. As the modules progress in difficulty, this text addresses the multiple-system problems that nurses face when caring for high acuity patients. With a focus on concepts and principles that can be applied across practice settings and patient populations, High Acuity Nursing, Fourth Edition is a learner-friendly approach that will help nurses and nursing students master the concepts and confidence necessary to succeed in today's health care settings.

ISBN-10 0131245082
ISBN-13 9780131245082

Author Karen Johnson, Kathleen Dorman Wagner, Pamela Stinson Kidd
Number Of Pages 924 pages
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2005-08-03
Language English
Publisher Prentice Hall PTR
Publication Year 2005

Edition Number 4
Copyright Date 2006
Illustrated Yes

Weight 64.7 Oz
Height 1.3 In.
Width 8.5 In.
Length 10.9 In.

Group College Audience

LCCN 2005-042455
LC Classification Number RT120.I5K53 2006
Dewey Decimal 616.02/8
Dewey Edition 22

SPECIAL TOPICS 1. Caring for the High Acuity Patient: Patient, Family, and Nursing Consideration 2. Acute Pain in the High Acuity Patient 3. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in the High Acuity Patient PULMONARY GAS EXCHANGE 4. Determination and Assessment of Pulmonary Gas Exchange 5. Alterations in Pulmonary Gas Exchange 6. Mechanical Ventilation 7. Nursing Care of the Patient with Altered Pulmonary Gas Exchange PERFUSION 8. Determination and Assessment of Cardiac Output 9. Hemodynamic Monitoring 10. Electrocardiographic Monitoring and Conduction Abnormalities 11. Alterations in Myocardial Tissue Perfusion 12. Alterations in Cardiac Output 13. Nursing Care of the Patient with Altered with Altered Myocardial Tissue Perfusion OXYGENATION 14. Oxygenation 15. Shock States 16. Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome 17. Nursing Care of Patient with Impaired Oxygenation NEUROLOGIC 18. Determinants and Assessment of Cerebral Perfusion 19. Alterations in Cerebral Tissue Perfusion: Acute Brain Attack 20. Decreased Adaptive Capacity: Acute Head Injury 21. Sensory Perceptual Disorders 22. Nursing Care of the Patient with Altered Cerebral Function METABOLIC 23. Metabolic Responses 24. Hematologic Dysfunction 25. Altered Immune Function 26. Organ Transplantation 27. Altered Glucose metabolism 28. Altered Renal Dysfunction 29. Nursing Care of the Patient with Altered Metabolic Function GASTROINTESTINAL 30. Acute Gastrointestinal Dysfunction 31. Acute Hepatic Dysfunction 32. Acute Pancreatic Dysfunction 33. Nursing Care of the Patient with Altered Gastrointestinal Function INJURY 34. Complex Wound Management 35. Acute Burn Injury 36. Trauma