
You are purchasing a very nice, convenient size prayer folder/accordion style. It comes with beautiful prayers and images.  It is perfect to carry in a purse or pocket. They are wonderful teaching tools for children. To give as gifts or to share with family and friends.  It comes with 14 prayers and 6 beautiful pictures.
When unfolded it measures 31 1/4" long, when folded it measures 3 18" x 5". Please see pictures for details.

Comes with the following:

*Overcome the Enemy
*Strength from God
*Weapons of Warfare
*Spiritual Armor Prayer
*Novena Payer to Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons
*God's Gift of the Holy Spirit
* The Sword of the Spirit
* Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel
* Spiritual Protection of the Home Prayer
* Spiritual Communion Prayer
* Morning Offering to the Sacred Heart
 * Prayer to Saint Francis

Please visit our other listings to find more books and DVD written by Bob and Penny Lord and all of our other religious items.

If you have any questions please let us know.

We will combine shipping if you buy more than 1 item.

God bless you.