- 3-IN-1 FAT OXIDATION FORMULA: The combined impact of Apple Cider Vinegar (750 mg) with 6% Acetic Acid, Moringa leaf extracts and Cinnamon bark extracts, makes this 3-in-1 formulation ideal for efficient fat oxidation or the break-down of fats in the body, which later converts into energy.
- MORE EFFECTIVE WITH MORINGA: Clinically studied to have multiple benefits, Moringa is a unique addition to this formulation. Rich in antioxidants, Moringa reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. This enables quicker recovery, improved energy levels and repair of tissues. Moringa contains vitamin B 12, A, vitamin C, E and minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron) that support and enhance energy production.
- SUPERCHARGES METABOLISM: Apple Cider Vinegar with Acetic Acid enhances fat metabolism and optimizes lipid levels. Acetic Acid inhibits lipogenesis (fat creation) leading to reduced fat accumulation and fat loss. Moringa enhances muscle endurance and overall performance.
- CURBS UNHEALTHY CRAVINGS: Apart from lowering overall blood glucose levels, Cinnamon enhances levels of leptin– a hormone secreted by adipose tissue which controls food intake, decreasing appetite. This fat cutter eventually curbs cravings and results in long-term weight loss.