Original Quality, Restore Your Vehicle'sPower
This turbo turbocharger ensures perfectcompatibility and installation with original parts, requiring nomodifications. Note: Please lubricate the turbocharger and gasketswith oil before use. Professional installation is highlyrecommended.
The turbo charger's impeller andcompressor wheels undergo dynamic balance testing, significantlyreducing wear and extending service life. This process minimizesvibrations and noise during operation, ensuring a smoother drivingexperience.
The impeller is made from K418nickel-based cast alloy, a high-temperature resistant material thatmaintains optimal performance even under sustained hightemperatures, prolonging the engine turbocharger's lifespan.
The safety valve of the turbocharger withgasket kit effectively prevents damage to the turbocharger andengine caused by excessive pressure, ensuring secure and stableoperation during various driving conditions.
The turbocharger housing is made fromhigh-strength ductile iron, delivering excellent performance inhigh-temperature resistance, durability, and lifespan. Theprecisely engineered housing ensures proper sealing and avoidsleaks.