Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Amulet Wealth Talisman Charm Necklace786 Spells 


The most powerful ever known in ancient Egypt was the Pharoah


The Pharaoh holds the titles of "lords of two lands" and "High Preist of temple"


The Pharaoh had an important role in Ancient Egyptian life. Pharaohs, to Egyptians, were believed to be gods


The Pharaoh had the Secret Mystik knowledge that led them to possess immense power.


Traditionally many times they used to conduct various sacrifices to the Unknown Mystikal Power Gods after pleased would empower them with Infinite Powers to shower abundance living or cast doom to any living & non living things in this world.


This Raw powers obtained was so powerful that even today many feels their effect,as if they still do exist...

To obtain and gain access to this power in this modern days,one needs the "Power symbol" that were used to carry these super-natural  powers.


These "Power symbols" are very very old about more than 10,000 years and sacredly kept Secret in various tombs and pyramids that are actually infused with certain Animal powers to hold & Protect them so that they are inaccessible to the present civilization...


We are lucky to have these Ancient Power Symbols that were discovered in the pyramids that were engraved in the ancient sandstones of the huge pyramids.They also revealed that the Pharaoh's used these Power Symbols in their crown and as Power in their hands.


There are many Power symbols that described the powers they contained within.


This is the first time in we bring you this Power symbols engraved in Bracelet ,charms and as amulets.


This "Power symbol" is known to harness the Powers of King Tuntankhamun....

Everyone is acquainted with the Powers of King Tuntankhamun...

KingTuntankhamun was an Egyptian Pharoah in 1333 BC.

Tutankhamun is well known today because his tomb contained amazing treasures and was found almost untouched by a British archaeologist in 1922.



The archeologists discovered many treasures in his tomb including thrones, beds, chariots, cloths, and statues of gods. Most of his treasures were made from gold, and precious stones. His coffin was the most magnificent. It was made from solid gold, and weighed 2,500 pounds. Today it is worth $13 million. The headpiece is a stunning example of ancient goldsmith's art. It was made of gold, ebony, and turquoise, and it was lined with many different stones and colored glass.


This Power Symbol is actual engraving in Pure Bronze Bracelet that is known to draw powers of the Mystikal Energy that would confer the possesor with fabulous Wealth,Treasures,Gold,Money in no time...

Yes it Contains a Mystik Letter that means links to the magikaal treasure of King Tuntankhamun.



What does this Power Symbol means?


This carries the meaning addressed to the Unseen secret  forces of the treasure to  gather immense Wealth,Immense Money,Oppurtunities,Landed Properties,Name,Fame to the Possesor of this Power symbol.  


Yes this is true,This Special Engravings done on this Bracelet also had the chanting of secret talismanic words that were must be uttered while touching the power symbols without which the link to the treasure kingdom would not associate.



We have these Secret Talismanic Words that are uttered to activate this link by the shaman into the Power Bracelet /amulets /necklace.

Please be aware that no secret words will be revealed.

This listing is only for the Amulet Bracelet not the Secret words that activate the link.This is done to ensure that there is no misuse of the egyptian talismanic amulet forces.



After you make your payment we will ship this to you.

You will receive completely activated Power Necklace.The only thing you have to do is just wear this Bracelet on your finger or carry in your purse.You will experience results that will blow you off with the power of wealth and treasure flowing to you.Its that powerful.The Power Bracelet after activated is been rated +8 .The Version of the Bracelet had been revised for more accuracy.


We are Power selllers with real authentic charms & amulets that contain Real Powers,selling and satisfying buyers with para--normal stuffs,so be confident with your buy.

International Shipping will take 2-4 weeks for delivery to your location.We can also send this Bracelet by Ems,Email us for shipping quotes.

as per commitment please contact us 24X7