Off World (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by JP Vallarino

From the creative mind of JP Vallarino comes the most revolutionary version of Out of This World you will ever perform!
taking a classic plot in magic and breaking it down into what really
makes it special. Throw out all the procedure, get rid of all that long
drawn out dealing, do away any packet switching. What you are left with
is a trick that instantly hits hard in the first 10 seconds. What you
are left with is nothing short of a miracle. What you are left with is
JP Vallarino's Offworld!
Offworld is the
first-ever Out of this World routine that can be performed entirely FACE
UP! It means never again having to wait until the end to start getting
reactions in real time. You start building it up from the very
Your spectator calls out the color of the next card
and they are effortlessly correct 100% of the time! They couldn't fail
even if they tried! (unless of course, if you really wanted them to).
more than just another "Look at me!" effect. Your spectators make all
the decisions freely and fairly, and they produce the impossible. With Offworld, your spectators create the miracle!
- Expert instruction taught by top pro, Gregory Wilson
- Instant reset
Includes a full 3 phase ENTIRELY FACE UP Out of This World routine
created by Grip and Greg that'll leave spectator's screaming WTF!
- Easy to perform, even easier to fool your audience
- Includes the ability to create a real miracle
Warning: Do not perform Offworld if you are allergic to the following phrases:
1. Can you make me win the lottery?
2. How am I doing this!?
3. I don't even know what's going on right now.
4. I'm taking you to Vegas!
5. This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen!