- Print your letters yourself Tarot Deck

Super Pack of 12 Printables Tarot Decks

List of Decks:

- gaian tarot;

- Faerie;

- Etruscan;

- e gadek,

- Dame Fortunes;

- China;

- chrysalis;

- Cheimonette;

- Cerimonial Magic;

- celtic irish;

- Celtic Dragon;

- Celtic.

PDF Kit Template


You can print your Tarot decks yourself, it's very simple, here's how:

Print your letters as many times as you like and as you see fit;

Low production cost;

Just one printer and A4 paper;

300 DPI quality images, where you can edit them to other sizes if you wish.

Product characteristics:

Matrix ready for printing on A4 size paper (we suggest it is 200 in weight), already configured in word file. After printing is cut and ready. The Tarot Deck is ready.

O Tarot Deck:

Any doubts I am available.