The pages are crisp, white and clean. No creases, writing or underlining. The cover has light edgewear. Gently used, if used at all. Paperback with a spiral binding, 148 pgs. No photographs.
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Product description: Anusara Yoga is heart-oriented, spiritually inspiring, and yet grounded in the Universal Principles of Alignment for both the inner and the outer body. It is a uniquely integrated style of hatha yoga in which the artistic glory of the human heart blends magically with the scientific principles of biomechanics. Te essence of my teaching style is largely a product of the loving guidance of me teacher, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. Gurumayi taught me how to connect with students' hearts and how to inspire them. She taught me how to communicate with students' hearts and advance their experience of the deepest and most profoundly transformative aspects of hatha yoga. The underlying magic of the Anusara Yoga system is enlivened by the blessings of Gurumayi, to whom is offered love and boundless gratitude.