Vitamin D - the sunshine vitamin for bones and health
Vitamin D ensures optimally mineralized, stable and healthy bones. An undersupply can promote skeletal diseases. A vitamin D deficiency is also associated with other health problems such as cardiovascular diseases or even cancer and diabetes. The human body produces vitamin D itself - with the help of sunlight. There are also various preparations that can improve your vitamin D supply. A sufficient supply of the sunshine vitamin reduces the risk of osteoporosis and improves resistance to infectious diseases such as colds.
Who was the test developed for?
With PreventID Vital-D, the vitamin D level in the blood can be easily determined - with a reliable and painless measuring method that is also suitable for children. The test set was developed for health-conscious people who want to know whether they and their family are getting enough of the sunshine vitamin. And who may want to take preventative measures. Because a vitamin D deficiency can be compensated for with suitable preparations and a change in lifestyle. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about this.
How reliable is the test?
A medical laboratory determines your personal vitamin D level. The test is therefore extremely reliable and is comparable to whole blood tests.