Banana Melon
Long 18" - 24" inch banana shaped fruit with spicy sweet salmon flesh. A fascinating and unusual heirloom melon, with a hint of banana taste and strong banana aroma.
20 heirloom seeds
Bidwell Casaba
Grown by General John Bidwell who received his seed from the USDA seed stock in 1869. Melon Produces massive fruits that way around 16 lbs each! Yellow - orange flesh is sweet and creamy and tastes like orange sorbet with a hint of papaya.
Vigorous Plant 20 Heirloom Seeds
95 days
Black Diamond Watermelon - 10 seeds
Produces an abundance of large, juicy, & delicious emerald green fruits. Bred to have tough skin and large leaves to help prevent sunburn. Fruits average 30 - 50 lbs with some weighing up to 125 lbs!! Widely used throughout the South.
75 - 90 days to maturity
Boule D' Or Melon - FRESH seeds
19th-century, French heirloom market melon that is prolific & hardy. It is a honeydew melon variety which, when ripe, has a deep lemon-colored, loosely netted skin with a pale green, honey-sweet flesh that emits tropical and slightly perfumed aromatics. Can grow to an average of 7 to 10 inches in diameter.
The Boule D'or was first listed in 1885 in Vilmorin's book "The Vegetable Garden" (the first-ever seed catalog published for farmers and growers) but as with many heirloom varieties, finding its seeds today is a rarity. Fruits will keep for several weeks if kept cool and dry. Very hard to find.
95-110 days. 10 Heirloom Seeds 96% Germination.
Bush Sugar Baby Watermelon