Rare Heirloom Golden Bell Clematis Seed (Clematis tangutica)
Common Name(s): Golden Bell Clematis, Golden Clematis, Old Man's Beard Clematis, Orange-peel Clematis, Russian Virgins's Bower, Tube-flowered Clematis
Clematis (group 3)
Cheerful, yellow, lantern-shaped flowers with fleshy lemon peel-like petals from July to October followed by highly decorative, fluffy seedheads. This vigorous, late-flowering clematis looks lovely cascading over a sunny wall, pergola or arch. Where space is limited prune hard in February - left unpruned it can become a very large plant.
Garden care: In early spring cut back the previous year's stems to a pair of strong buds about 15-20cm (6-8in) above ground level and apply a slow-release balanced fertiliser and a mulch of well-rotted garden compost around the plant, avoiding the immediate crown. If you want a larger plant, then no pruning will be necessary apart from thinning overcrowded stems in spring.
This climber is deciduous so it will lose all its leaves in autumn, then fresh new foliage appears again each spring.
Position: full sun or partial shade
Soil: fertile, well-drained soil with a neutral to acidic pH
Rate of growth: fast-growing
Flowering period: July to October
Hardiness: fully hardy
Seed Shipping: Flat Rate
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