For those who believe that crocheting is a thread to their sanity, these ancient hooks might just be the relics to keep you in stitches. From their rustic charm to their dodgy historical accuracy, these tools are a yarn-spinner's delight.
• Assorted sizes from 5 to 7 inches
• Variety of designs and materials
• Ideal for crochet and lace making
• Vintage collectible appeal
• Unique and decorative
Some hooks show signs of age, including patina and wear. Length ranges from 5 to 7 inches.
crochet tools, lace making tools, vintage hooks, bone crochet hooks, wooden crochet tools, collectible crochet, historical sewing, vintage needlework, antique lace tools, primitive crafts, rustic crochet set, Antique crochet hooks, primitive sewing tools
Size: S
Condition: Pre-Owned Good
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