Vintage Uncut Tandy Leather Pants Pattern #3360 Miss Size 14 Circa 1987

Classic Tandy Leather pattern for misses lined leather pants, circa 1987. Uncut & Unused. Printed for Tandy by McCall's, pattern #3360, size Miss 14. Various options include leg width, pocket placement, pleats, openings, and waist styles. Unused, as new condition. Recommended skins: Cabretta, lambskin, pigskin, lightweight suede (or synthetics). 


80's Anyone? 

THREE WORDS: GREED IS GOOD! In the 80's economic deconstruction exacerbated class disparities in the developed world while multinational corporations relocated to the third world reaping huge economic gain. In other words, "The rich still got richer, and the poor still got jai!" And, as H. Ross Perot famously informed us: "That giant sucking sound you hear is your jobs going South."

Meanwhile back at the ranch, things were disintegrating: Cocaine, AIDS, Supply-Side, Live Aid, Farm Aid, Falklands, Grenada, El Salvador, Glasnost, Berlin Wall, Tiananmen Square, USENET, ATARI, GUI, MS-DOS, HTTP, CAFE, MTV, ET, HBO, PTL, PLO, WWF, WTF, NAFTA, Iran-Contra, Ollie North, Greenpeace, Pan Am Flight 103, Just Say No, Crack Babies, Air Traffic Controllers, Marcos, Helmsley, Hinkley, St Helens, Challenger, Korean Flight 007, Bhopal, Chernobyl, Exxon Valdez, Mario, Boombox, Halley's Return, Faulty O-Ring, Yugo, K-Cars, Mini Vans, DeLoreans, Solidarity, Junk Bonds, Trump, Milken, Black Monday, and the Keating Five. Thriller, Dallas, Cassettes, Madonna, Drum Machines, Grandmaster Flash, Curt Cobain, and Karen Carpenter. 750 Million People Watched Prince Charles Marry Lady Diana, Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggart, Olympic Boycotts, 49'ers, Magic-Byrd, Pac-Man, Member's Only, Mullets, Rubik's Cube, Leg Warmers, Brick Phones, Swatch.....It was a decade of excess and paybacks, not to mention hangovers!  

Personally, I was pretty busy raising a family and developing my career in the '80's so missed out on a lot of the extreme side of it. But, it was definitely all around me wherever I went, and the shambles of it linger here and there, including in my 80's ANYONE? shop!  So go ahead and try on the crown of Post-Modern Capitalism for a while to see how it feels:

We Will Scratch Your Vintage Itch
