The Magical Tale of Santa - A Family Tradition for Christmas Eve - Picture Book with Magical Christmas Tree Ornament 

Begin a new Christmas Eve tradition with your family this holiday season with The Magical Tale of Santa - A Family Christmas Tradition. Every child wonders: How will Santa find me? How will he know where I live? The Magical Tale of Santa answers those age old questions.

The Magical Tale of Santa is the magical story of two small children who sit by their window on Christmas Eve eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa - only to be bypassed on his yearly journey. Saved by the antics of a giggling, bugling elf, and a magical Christmas tree ornament - their Christmas dreams come true.

Hang your magical Christmas tree ornament, included with each gift set, in your window on Christmas Eve to let Santa know exactly where you live. Use the convenient suction cup for easy hanging and store your magical Christmas tree ornament in the storage case to use every year as your NEW Christmas Eve tradition Includes.