Little House on the Prairie" is the dramatic, gripping story of a young pioneer family's struggle to build a new life for themselves on the American Frontier of the 1870s. Dirt-poor and alone, the Ingalls family moves from the woods of Wisconsin to the plains of Kansas and faces the dangers of an untamed wilderness as they fight to build and hold on to their new home - only to find themselves driven from their land by government decree. With indomitable courage that celebrates the American pioneer and the resilience of the human spirit, the Ingalls move on, taking their hopes and dreams bravely to Minnesota. There they face the endless challenges of frontier life- a hard, bitter, sometimes joyous, sometimes tearful existence. "Little House on the Prairie" builds to an emotional crescendo that captures all the high-powered excitement of the Old West. Adapted from the "Little House" books written by the late Laura Ingalls Wilder, which recount her unforgettable childhood, "Little House on the Prairie" is big, enthralling family entertainment, acclaimed by viewer and critic alike. It is a rich and exciting cinematic look, with warmth, humor, and drama, at a proud generation of people and a period of strength and courage