LWS Black Krim Tomato Garden Planting 30 Seeds Fast Shipping

Black Krim Tomatoes are considered to be one of the oldest and most popular varieties of black tomatoes. Black Krim Tomatoes combine bold, smoky flavor and good texture with an unusual appearance. Black Krim Tomatoes range from purple-red to brown-red with green shoulders. They get darker in color with more heat and sunlight. Black Krim Tomatoes have been grown and treasured for generations in Russia. Reaching 8 to 12 ounces on average, Black Krim Tomatoes arise on open-pollinated plants that keep bearing all season (indeterminate). They are currently one of the best black tomatoes on the market.
Botanical Name: Solanum lycopersicum
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirement: Full Sun
Planting Season: Warm Season
Plant Type: Indeterminate
Features: Heirloom
Fruit Size: 8-16 oz
Days to Maturity: 80 Days
Plant Spacing: 36”-48”
Planting Depth: ¼”
Sowing Method: Start Indoors
Cold Stratification: No
Hardiness Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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