The Rusty Animal Balance Stakes have finally returned after a long hiatus. Revamped from it previous form, the set now includes various birds and even some cats to keep them in line. Each stake is made from quality materials such as durable iron and then powder coated for added protection against the elements. The various species depicted are all hand-painted in a rich distressed rust and connected to a beam that carefully balances atop a long sturdy garden stake that easily pieces the ground. Watch them spin round and round when there is a gentle breeze. They're fun arrangements really liven up any atmosphere. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: The Rusty Animal Balance Stakes have finally returned after a long hiatus. Revamped from it previous form, the set now includes various birds and even some cats to keep them in line. Each stake is made from quality materials such as durable iron and then powder coated for added protection against the elements. The various species depicted are all hand-painted in a rich distressed rust and connected to a beam that carefully balances atop a long sturdy garden stake that easily pieces the ground. Watch them spin round and round when there is a gentle breeze. They're fun arrangements really liven up any atmosphere.