The Devil Annihilation Sword is one of my two favorite very powerful spiritual weapons used for dealing with negative spirits, the other being the Phurba.


The Phurba is a catastrophic weapon that can be used for either massive destruction or a precision surgical strike. This is not so with a Devil Annihilation Sword. This is a weapon of spiritual and etheric terrorism at best. When you deal with one Dark Lodge spirit in this way then the others run in terror. While it does not harm the innocent, the result is still abject terror which will result in either of two things. Either the Dark Lodge will flee in every direction in the hope that you will not see or be attracted to them, or the Dark Lodge panics and attacks in force doing their best to destroy you. The latter is my preference so that I can introduce all who dare to attack to the merciless will of Mahakala and his Devil Annihilation Sword!


Liberation vs. Annihilation

From a Shamanic perspective, within the pre-Hindu  Kapalika Aghora tradition, Liberation involves the total and swift destruction of a spirit so that it ceases to exist, and its energy returns to the cosmic pool of the Void to be used in creation yet again. Annihilation is about the destruction of the evil tendency in a spirit which accelerates its negative karma and rapidly moves it through the process of developing new habits by causing it to suffer intensely when it attempts to return to its former evil ways. There are many who have experienced annihilation who have said that liberation would have been a kinder thing to do. And, having been annihilated by Mahakali in the distant past, I agreed with that assessment at that time. Now I do not.


Liberation is best done with a Phurba and/or a Khatvanga while Annihilation is best done with a Devil Annihilation Sword due to the specific energies that it carries. Liberation is only done under the direction of the Goddess when there is no hope for redemption from evil. Annihilation is done when the opportunity to salvage a spirit that is wholly given over to evil is still possible. Determining which one to do is subjective at best, and it requires a great deal of discernment. This manual and this empowerment will help with this discernment process, and will instruct you concerning the use of the spiritual weapon, warrior ethics, the dangers involved, and the blessings that can come from it.  discernment process, and will instruct you concerning the use of the spiritual weapon, warrior ethics, the dangers involved, and the blessings that can come from it.


Please note: This is not a physical item, this is an attunement to the energy of a physical item, along with a manual and email support.