The Empowerment Imperative by Daniel Q. Mills (1994, Trade Paperback)
Six Steps to a High Performance Organization:
* Fault Tolerance * Building Trust
* Vision * Setting Goals
* Measurement * Motivation
"Empowerment-what is it?
"Similar to concepts such as teamwork and employee involvement it certainly sounds like something all organizations should strive for. But how to make it happen?
"Daniel Quinn Mills, consultant and professor at the Harvard Business School brings the concept of empowerment to life in a unique and creative way. He uses an engaging dialogue style between two employees to translate "dry theories" of organizational change into lively and useful practices.
"The Empowerment Imperative clearly shows how you can effectively apply techniques such as Building Trust, Creating Visions, Setting Goals, and Using Measurement and Motivation to realize a high performance work group or organization." - from rear cover. x + 149pp.
New paperback. Gift Quality Book.
Copyright 1994. No edition nor print-run info. Production Services by Susan Kotzin. Editorial services by Mary George. No LCCN. ISBN: 0-87425-960-6. MSR = US $14.95.