Captain Shaunner stared at the girl from the tips of her open-toed shoes, up well-shaped legs,
to the closely molded sweater.
"Okay, you had your look.
Why am I here? What do you want?" "We found a dead man in your car!" "Congratulations," she said sarcastically.
“But no one I know is dead. I go for live ones." The captain leaned forward. “What's your racket?"
"I want to make one phone call. We'll stop all this jazz!"
Shaunner waited with the patience of a cat at a hole he knows is loaded with mice.
“And who are you going to call?" "Mackie the Greek! When he knows you got me here ..."
And then he hit her with it, brutally, wearing his triumph like a hammer. “That stiff in your car was Mackie the Greek!"