
Place of Origin #originPlace#
Main Color Yellow Brown
Main Material Aluminium
Dangerous Goods #dangerFlag#

Dimensions & Weights

Assembled Length (in.) 142.80
Assembled Width (in.) 142.80
Assembled Height (in.) 120.96
Weight (lbs) 306.66

Product Features


Water Gutter Design
The water can drain quickly due to the sloped roof design, the water gutter design ensures the rainwater can flow down instead of accumulating on the top.
Wood Grain
This 12'x12' Outdoor Hardtop Gazebo features a premium wood looking finish that is natural, making it look like real wood but doesn't require maintenance.
Vented Roof
The double roof has a ventilation design that there is a screen on the top opening between the roofs to air circulation in the summer, more breathable.