New International Version Fire Bible Chocolate/Pink Flexisoft Leather (Hendrickson Bibles)the initials A.K.A are ingraved on cover. Has somw nicks and scratches on the leather covers. On the last few pages upper right corners are damaged.

Believers the world over are on fire to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ; they want to tap into the Holy Spirit as the source of divine power for advancing the work of the Church and fulfilling their personal lives.

The Fire Bible, Global Study Edition is exactly what you need to be guided toward the Christ-centered, Spirit-led life that your soul thirsts for. Its notes and commentary are authoritative and trustworthy, yet written in language that any reader can easily understand.

Learn how the spiritual empowerment that was bestowed upon the faithful at Pentecost is available today, as Gods gift to modern followers of Jesus. This unparalleled Scripture study resource will greatly benefit anyone interested in living the Christian life to the fullest.

Book introductions, including space for taking notes
Center-column references
Page-bottom notes
In-text maps and charts
In-text Key Issue background articles
New International Version concordance
Themefinders track 12 important topics through the scriptures
Color map section