Heart of Harmony Andara is considered a Master Andara Crystal as it has attributes and energies contained within it that add Great Intensity and power to the Specimen.
This One of a Kind, Unique Collectors Piece has Ancient Atlantean and Lemurian Codex Frequencies that are powerfully emitted from this Andara.
Harmony is the True definition of LOVE.
This Andara HARMONIZES your Energies so you feel a Deeper Peace, Coherence with Yourself, Relationships and ALL of Life.
This Higher Harmonic places you in the Flow of Life, where we joyfully and freely co-create with life and manifest our hearts truest desires.
Anchor the energies of this reality within yourself and your space.
They help One step more fully into their own Sovereign Divine Nature and mastery.
The path of the Master is most fulfilling on every level, it can also challenge you to look deep within and release ALL that is not truly who you are.Collector specimen that is in a league all of its own.
Heart of Harmony is a Fusion of Akasha, Order of Michael, Celestial Aqua, Order of Christ, Earth Mother and Eye of Metatron