Bahucchidra Pradyumna Salagram
Small and elongated body , elongated mouth , single opening having 2 clear chakras , many holes , mark of vanamala, lotus lines .
Product Name : Pradyumna Shaligram
Origin : Gandaki River Nepal
Weight : 57 gm
Dimension : 2 inches * 1.50 inches
Lakshan Shaloka :
sUkShmamUrtistu pItastu dIrghadIptas tathaiva ca| suShiram bahulam caiva dIrghAkAram tu yadbhavet||
Meaning :
Shaligram having small and elongated body; elongated mouth; many holes; 1 opening – 2 chakras , is known as Bahucchidra Pradyumna Shaligram .
Lakshan Shaloka :
pradyumna: sUkShmacakrastu pItadIptistathaiva ca| shikharam chidrabahulam dIrghAkAram ca yad bhavet|| pradyumna: sUkShmacakrastu nIlavarNastataiva ca| suShira: sUkShmabahuladIrghAkArastathA bhavet||
Meaning :
Shaligram having minute chakras; elongated aperture; lot of small holes; blue color; long body; 1 opening – 2 chakras is known as Pradyumna Shaligram .
Description :
Pradyumna is the name of a character in the Srimad Bhagavatam. He was the son of Lord Krishna and 61st grandson of Lord Adi Narayan. Pradyumna is considered as one of the four vyuha avatars of Lord Vishnu. According to some accounts, Pradyumna was an incarnation of Kamadeva, the god of love.