Embark on an interdimensional adventure with "Super Paper Mario" for the Nintendo Wii, released in 2007. This action-packed game combines platforming and RPG elements, allowing players to switch between 2D and 3D perspectives to solve puzzles and uncover secrets. Join Mario, Princess Peach, Bowser, and Luigi as they journey through various dimensions to stop the villain Count Bleck from destroying the universe. With its unique gameplay mechanics and engaging story, "Super Paper Mario" is a standout title in the Paper Mario series and a must-have for any Wii game collection.
This Complete in Box (CIB) version ensures you have all the original packaging and materials, making it perfect for collectors and fans of the series. Whether you're revisiting this classic or experiencing it for the first time, "Super Paper Mario" offers hours of fun and excitement.
Pre-Owned. See photos for condition. Ships via USPS Ground Advantage. Please message with any questions. We ship Monday-Friday.