cover rub marks, small spots, and smudges. edge nicks. cover and page corners creased and worn. no marks on text.
My memories of the Portland Trolleys are of bright red cars, with white and blue trim, well maintained, and always clean windows. There was a certain magic in the ride. Now there is nothing left to show there was ever a horsecar or trolley on the city streets. In all probability, the horsecars made the trip in a shorter time period than driving in today''s traffic. Imagine the pride that Portlanders felt with the horsecars and later the trolleys to give them the same mobility that people had in large cities. The trolleys influenced and enlarged small towns and cities in the suburbs. It allowed people to live in smaller towns outside the city and still be able to work or shop in Portland. It gave them the ability to visit amusement parks and beaches at an affordable cost. Unfortunately none of the cars were saved.