Spiritual power Ring of Destroying Evil
Ring of Blasting & Destroying
Item Description:-
These are a unique and extreme Spiritual power Taweez ring.
All the evil entity on earth will submit and Afraid of the Keeper of This Spiritual power Ring of Blasting Destroying.
This ring is imbued with strong Quran verses.
This Taweez ring will create Fear on black Magician, evil person’s heart.
It will destroy any kind of Black Magic Black Magician, Evil, Jinn, Devil, Giant Dijinn, and evil Eye with in second of wearing it.
It is a destroyer weapon of all kind of Bad Jinn, Hasad, Devils, Bad Roohani, Vampire, Black Magic, Evil person and Evil Eye, Dark energy
It will make the Black Magic in to dust with in the second of wearing it.
It will destroy Bad Jin within a second which come near to the Ring.
“Destroying everything by the Command of its Lord!” (Quran-Surah-Al- Ahqaf-ayat-25).
This Taweez verses Contains 70,000 Angels Power.
(" Remember") "When your Lord inspired the angels, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast fear into the hearts of those who have disbelieved”, (Quran-Surah-Al-Anfal-Ayat-12).
All incumbent on earth will not dare to do any harm on the Keeper of this ring
Evil Dijjin, and all kind of bad spirit, evil, Black Magician will afraid of the Keeper.
The wearer’s power will be strengthened if he or she continues to wear this ring.
Obtain extreme power that will be connected with it.
Rare and strong energy that will give you influence over anything and everything
Increase the power of your aura shield.
No Black Magician can successfully plan anything against keeper of this Ring.
Wearing instruction for this taweez or ring is as follows:
Only when you are completely clean and ablution (Wuzu)
Remove the taweez or ring when you are in an impure (Janabat) and store it somewhere safe and clean.
It is not permitted to wear when going to the toilet.
During their periods, females are not permitted to wear or touch.
Note: Careful, Buy if you only following Instruction This is one Kind of Spiritual destroying bad evils on Earth.
Important Notice To buyers:
My products are all one-of- a –kind and made from powerful Quran verses: however, I have noticed that some fake people have copied my description and are selling items on Etsy.com and.com. In order to test each fake seller, ask them to change one word on blogspot.com as you like, since they need my blogpost password, they are unable to do so.
This is being sold for Spiritual purposes only. My service is not substitute for legal, medical, financial, psychiatric or any other kind of professional advice or care. By purchasing my service, you are stating that you are aware of and agree to these terms. Am disclosing all items are being sold strictly as a jewelry & spiritual item any pure spiritual attachment. These items are sold as a freedom of expression of religion, spirituality and equality.
Please keep in mind that I only charge for concealed charged taweez and work, not for rings.
In all of my rings, a powerful taweez is charged and concealed with waterproof.
Standard small package with tracking number and it will take 10 -14 business days.
Guarantee Policy.
If you follow the instructions correctly, you will have 100 percent satisfaction.
Special Note: -
You can get a taweez locket or a taweez ring (Ring size you to provide –Ring may differ based on availability of colors and size.
Check my full collection of Wonder full Mystical Gem Rings & taweez.
Witch destroyer, Destroyer sword, Giant slayer, spiritual destroyer, Spiritual Green Energy, Extreme fire wind.
You can message me or email me at the address below if you’re having trouble with the payment option. I can provide you my PayPal payment option, which will give you a 40% discount on any item.
Contact-Email :- uk074117@gmail.com