This book titled "Random Family: Love, Drugs, Trouble, and Coming of Age in the Bronx" by Adrian Nicole LeBlanc is a captivating read that explores the complexities of family life in a unique setting. The author takes readers on a journey through the lives of several characters caught up in the harsh realities of urban life, dealing with issues of poverty, homelessness, and drug addiction.

With a publication year of 2004 by Scribner, this trade paperback book is 432 pages long and measures 8.4 inches in length, 5.5 inches in width, and 1.1 inches in height, with a weight of 14.2 ounces. The book is written in English and is perfect for those interested in sociology, social science, parenting, and relationships. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to gain insight into the challenges facing families in urban areas.