Feijoa sellowiana - Pineapple Guava - Guavasteen - Live Plant
Live plants are shipped BARE ROOT and are APPROX 1'-2'+ feet Tall, See Photos
Feijoa sellowiana is commonly known as pineapple guava or Guavasteen is an evergreen perennial shrub or small tree that typically matures to 10-15’ tall. It is cultivated as an ornamental for appreciation of its evergreen foliage, flowers and fruit and/or as a fruiting tree/shrub for harvest of its edible fruit. It's grown in the U.S. from Florida to Texas and California, but fruiting can sometimes be unreliable in these areas. Although fruits are often commercially sold where they are grown, they are rarely exported to other locations because they bruise easily.
Disclaimer: Plants sizes VARY from batch to batch and we don’t always change photos.
If you want to know current size please email us.