You will receive 2 perfectly starter plants for planting, size may vary. The Blueberry ice is a refreshment for the eye. The flowers are not purple, not pink, not blue, but a cool concoction of all three. The eye finds it irresistible. Freely flowering with the added dazzle of variegated leaves makes 'Blueberry Ice' an outstanding Bougainvillea.

Quick overview:
Hardiness Zone: 9, 10
Bloom Season: Intermittent
Sun Requirement: Full Sun
Minimum Temperature Indoors: 50
Plant Type: Good for a Hanging Basket
Grows to 1-2'
Light: Full sun, a southern exposure.
Temperature: Maintain temperatures above 50, 60 in winter if active growth is desired.
Humidity: Preferably 50% or higher; however, prefers high humidity.

Watering: Bring the soil to a state of visual dryness between watering. The best flowering occurs when the plants are brought to a slight wilt between waterings. When watering, thoroughly saturate the soil until a little water runs out of the bottom of the pot. 

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