Biomarine Ind. BioPak 45 Self Contained 45 Minute Breathing Apparatus With Case
This is a used item. This unit is in good condition with all of the hoses and rubber parts soft and pliable. The harness straps are in good condition and do not have much wear. The mask is a Biomarine brand mask and we don't see a size marked on it. The glass does have a few scuffs, but they are not significant enough to have an effect on a persons vision while wearing it. The oxygen tank is marked, "DOT-3AA2250-2-PST-82 54121X PST" as can be seen in the pictures. The gauge reads about 1100 PSI at this time and when we open the valve we can hear the flow through the system. The case has some surface rust on the metal as can be seen in the pictures and is missing one rubber foot. The latches and hinges work fine. There is a label that reads, "permissible forty-five minute self contained oxygen breathing apparatus". There is a rubber washer and another small part that is loose under the knob of the valve on the front of the back pack that might need to be checked out (see second picture). We do not have the means to test this unit any further, but it comes with a 30 day warranty.

WB S6-3 d