x00+ Crepe Myrtle Flower Tree Seeds - 6 Bright Colors (Lagerstroemia) USA Seller
Condition: Fully Processed (De-winged, Covering removed, leaving only the inner seed nut)
Other Names: Crape Myrtle, Lagerstroemia indica, Crepeflower
Grow Zones: 6,7,8,9,10
Includes over 100 Light pink, Dark Pink, Fushia, Red, Purple & White mixed crepe myrtle tree seeds. These seeds have been processed, leaving the wings and outer seed casings behind.
These crepe myrtles grow 6-25 ft tall. They are drought tolerant and deer resistant. The charming leaves alternate in whorles on light brown branches and then flower between the months of May and June. The beautiful crepe-like flowers last for months until the winter season, at which time they drop and leave behind the seed pods. The seeds are within the circular pods that eventually burst, leaving the inner winged-seed capsules to flutter off into the wind.
How to Care for Crepe Myrtle Trees
Crepe Myrtles need 6 hours or more of sun per day. Choose your spot accordingly. Prune lightly during the winter or early spring. Avoid excessive pruning however prune for blooms the following year. They only bloom on new growth. Use slow-release fertilizer in the spring in summer months. Ensure the crepe myrtle gets a deep watering (1 full hour) once a week.
Germination Procedure: Cold stratify seeds in the refrigerator for 4-6 weeks prior to planting to break dormancy. Soak seeds in a glass of water 24 hours prior to sowing. Surface sow seeds lightly covering them with lightweight soil. Keep seeds and soil moist and warm during the germination phase. Seeds sprout in 65-75 degree temperatures. Germination time: 4-8 weeks.