no dustjacket. spine flex. spine ends worn. color washed from spine and browned, light cover cloth marks and edge shadow. clipping shadow on 2 pages. 1 page corner folded. a few page edge dents and creases.
The first biography to be written in collaboration with the Little Brothers of Jesus, the Order that has sprung up in the desert to follow the way of Charles de Foucauld. Brother Charles of Jesus was first of all a man of God in the eyes of all the people of the desert who saw his way of life and that he was truly the little universal brother which he wanted to be, because he led with the simplicity of love the boundless life of the Gospels. Brother Charles of Jesus teaches us first of all qith what a sense of reality, with what desire for reverent knowledge, we must love all men of all classes and all races, and how we must regain the sense of the human person in a period where every one of us is on the verge of being nothing more than a number in an anonymous crowd. Brother Charles reminds us also of the absolute necessity of forgetting oneself. Without the discipline of complete self-denial in acordance with the Gospel, no one can be a true builder of unity among men. Lastly, Brother Charles of Jesus teaches us to return to a trust in the constructive power of the commandment and counsels of Jesus. He reminds us admirably of the fact that mankind today needs more than ever voluntary poverty, heroic courage in prayer, humility and kindness in deeds; in other words, the Gospel lived fully.