Foxtail Fern is winter hardy in USDA Zones 9-11. Grows as house plants in lesser zones. Plants can be grown outdoors year round as long as temperatures never dip below 20-25°F. Plants perform best in organically rich, consistently moist but well drained soils in part shade (bright indirect light or filtered sun). The white leaves are random. Leaf color can vary depending on time of year. Colors range from all green to light green even yellow to all white. Most leaves are green, especially when they are small young plants.
By buying this plant you understand that shipping live plant material has risk associated with it. Please expect some leaf damage or browning during shipping. This is normal as the plant will go through a period of stress. The plant will bounce back quickly.
No returns, refunds, or exchanges; but please contact me if you have any problems with your order.
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