SEVEN TOP TURNIP. Grown for the top, not the turnip. U.S. Grown seed. Organic, non-Gmo. Mother nature's original recipe. Very easy to grow. Winter hardy. Plant early spring or late fall. Doesn't do well in mid-summer heat. Maturity in about 45 Days, but you can harvest anytime. Most herbivores really like Seven Top Turnips, so plant a little extra for them.1/2 LB = 120,000+ Quality seeds per order. Thank You!
Brassica rapa.
Full sun.
Early Spring, soil temp 55F+ or fall.
SOW 1/4" deep. 3" apart. Keep Moist.
Germinates in 5-10 days.
Thin when 1/2" tall to 6".
Height 24" x 6" Wide.
Medium water.
About 45 Days to maturity, but you can harvest anytime.