Find House of the Rising Spade - Gilded Cartomancer Playing Cards by Stockholm17 and over 2000 other decks, at X-decks !

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Welcome to the House of the Rising Spade ♠ Winner of the 52+Joker Diamond Award as Deck of the Year 2019 and United Cardists' deck of the year 2018. POKER SIZE, 52 cards +4 jokers, GILDED EDGES This is the improved third edition with gilded edges and golden geometry on the court cards. This is a luxurious deck of cards with gold foil application on both sides of all the cards, custom illustrated court cards, 4 jokers, and ace of spades surrounded by shiny gold. The cards handle fantastic and the light reflected on the gold foiled areas makes the cards pop and shine. Cartomancer 3rd Edition: