Lewis & Dryden’s

Marine History of the Pacific Northwest

An illustrated review of the growth and development of the maritime industry, from the advent of the earliest navigators to the present time, with sketches and portraits of a number of well-known marine men

edited by E. W. Right

first published 1895

Reprinted with corrections 1961 Antiquarian Press Ltd.

Edition limited to 750 copies of which 700 are for sale

494 page illustrated hardcover


In essaying to place on record a history of the greatest industry on the Pacific Coast, care has been exercised to present a correct and truthful account in accordance with the relative importance of the various details which collectively form the work. The ancient Beaver, Otter, Lot Whitcomb, and other craft of a contemporaneous period, would appear insignificant indeed in competition with the floating palaces of the present day; and yet none of the magnificent steamers which has supplanted them command a tithe of the attention or importance accorded them while they were blazing the way for their elegant successors. It is for this reason that in many instances much space has been devoted to both steam and sailing craft, the dimensions of which were not at all in proportion to their historical importance.

The territory covered en their history is of such scope that rigid condensation has been absolutely necessary to enable the presentation of so many matters of interest to Marine men: and, as the work is exclusively a record of maritime progress, the international boundary controversies, the Oregon question, and kindred themes, had been left for the historical writers who have any measure ignored Marine matters.