Julia Child rose blooms are large and petaled, LUXURIOUSLY fragrant blooms grow in a mass of extremely exotic delight.
The fragrance of this rose is a strong licorice scent. Buttery golden yellow 4" blooms (petals 20+) cover this continually blooming plant. Excellent in the flower bed or as a landscape specimen plant. AARS rose for 2006 It is a floribunda. The foliage is bright shiny dark green with excellent resistance to any disease. It is close to a perfect rose- its fragrance, beauty in bloom, and foliage bloom its heart out all season long. It grows up to 5" It is surely a keeper!
The average rating by the HMF plant site is impressive: EXCELLENT.
Grow in zone 6-10. AKA Ji?ina Bohdalova. Bred by Tom Carruth (United States, 2004).
Introduced in the United States by Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower, Inc. in 2006 as 'Julia Child'.
Introduced in Australia by Swane's Nursery/Swane Bros Pty Ltd in 2009 as 'Soul Mate'.
The plant is on its roots, thornless (or almost). Dark green foliage.
Height up to 5'. Width of 4' to 5'.
Shade tolerant. Disease resistant. Prune lightly. This rose blooms on old wood.
Please provide a valid address for safe delivery. The plant shipped from CA is bare-rooted with no pot or soil.
~~~Disclaimer: Please understand, that I do not feel responsible for your results, so let me know if they arrive damaged. I have no control over its environment or care. We grow the plants ourselves, and always use a good, well-lit, well-drained planting medium for planting. - Place the plants in a bright location outside, but not in direct sunlight. You may have damage to the leaves during shipping - this is normal and only cosmetic - new leaves will grow quickly with proper care - We do our best to package your plant with care to cause minimal or hopefully no damage to its leaves damage it, but it happens. It is important to read all the information about this plant to understand its approximate size. Some varieties of roses are susceptible to black spot or mildew and some are not. This is mainly cosmetic in nature and once the rose is planted and goes through a short-term transplant shock the plant will recover and sprout out new fresh leaves provided the plant is treated with care. WE DELIVER WITHOUT POTS, bare root, wrapped in wet padding and placed in a plastic bag ensuring the roots arrive wet and vibrant. We send receiving and planting instructions with every order. There is always some stress from traveling but plants are very hardy. If your plant arrives with serious problems, you MUST notify us immediately (no more than 24 hours from receipt and provide photographs. Please treat it like a puppy in a box.
Returns & exchanges not accepted.~~~