Embark on an exciting adventure with the New Avengers in this thrilling graphic novel from Marvel Comics. Featuring an all-star creative team including Mike McKone, Brian Michael Bendis, Daniel Acuna, Bryan Hitch, and Marko Djurdjevic, this graphic novel follows iconic characters like Captain America (Steve Rogers), Loki, Luke Cage, and Nick Fury as they navigate through intense action and superhero drama. Published in 2011, this trade paperback edition is part of the Modern Age (1992-Now) era and includes a stunning variant cover by Stuart Immonen. Perfect for fans of the New Avengers series, this collectible is in English and is an ideal addition to any Marvel fan's collection.
Key Features:
This action-packed graphic novel is a must-have for anyone looking to dive into the world of the New Avengers, offering a thrilling storyline, top-tier art, and unforgettable superhero moments.