CANNY?7.2 duo C The brand new automotive programmable logic controller with a wide range of supply voltages, dual CAN interfaces, nine general purpose IO channels , up to four LIN interfaces and an internal ADC.
This member of the next generation CANNY dual-CAN device family differs from its predecessor by a better performance, increased available ROM & RAM, more flexible CAN Gateway driver, the expanded number of external Input/Output Channels and LIN/UART interfaces.
The dual-CAN architecture allows to use each of embedded CAN interface independently or in CAN Gateway mode. Using this mode you can to build a flexible high-speed CAN Gateway with runtime reconfigurable filtering/altering rules for the messages retransmitted in both directions.
Nine universal, high voltage general purpose input/output channels can be used for drive any type of loads and/or listening input switches/pulses.
Using CannyLab? Integrated Development Environment controller can be programmed in simple but powerful graphical way. The internal USB interface is used for the firmware updates.