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As the ole' saying they aren't making Yard Sticks any longer. And they certainly are not making Yard Sticks for The Frederick County (Maryland) Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

On the opposite side of this Yard Stick is a quote by Abraham Lincoln. Though that undocumented quote was found in a letter that belonged to one of the Union members who had it placed on this ruler. So you are likely looking at the only version of this quote published.

BIOGRAPHICAL/HISTORICAL: The Winchester chapter of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was organized in October of 1884 in response to a call for total abstinence by Miss Jennie Smith at a Market Street Methodist Church revival. Miss Smith was known as the Railroad Evangelist. The union began with about 100 members and about the same number of honorary male members. By 1958, membership had grown to 152, but only 12 honorary male members. The work of the WCTU was mostly educational. By 1958, seven working departments were active in the local union: temperance and missions, Christian citizenship, literature, publicity, flower mission and relief, evangelism, and international relations for peace. The Winchester union held the state convention for the organization in 185l, 1892, and 1909.