Find F for Fulton Signed Artist Proof AP Playing Cards and over 2000 other decks, at X-decks !
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This commemorative deck of playing cards was designed specifically for the 10th Anniversary Celebration of FULTONS Playing Cards as a companion piece to “Clip Joint 10” with an updated history and narrative companionship.
In the late 1970s the Magic Bar & Club known as "F for Fulton" was born.
Los Angeles is known for The Magic Castle--but many forget that 'F for Fulton" was a popular spot for many underground magicians--as well as the first place The Buck Twins tested the room for Cardistry as child performers.
Known for good times, smoky rooms and their signature drink, The Sunset Blvd, this place was too good to last forever.
Here at Fulton's we have the last known supply of their house playing cards. Sure to be your favorite deck, "F for Fulton"--remember that.
This marks the first of the CLUB 37 Series to celebrate over TEN YEARS of FULTONS. Over the next few years we will be producing numerous decks that pay tribute to the origins of custom playing card decks.
F for Fulton and other CLUB 37 Classics come housed in a commemorative tuck printed on vintage letterpress machines at the famous Clove St Press in San Diego, California. The tuck is a “Fultonized” take on the original Custom Division Tuck used decades ago by the US Playing Card Co—the only card printer of FULTONS Playing Cards. Can you find all the details hidden in our version of this classic tuck?
The Back Design of F for FULTON pays homage to one of Fultons Favorite Decks (and magicians) , Tom Mullica’s Tom Foolery. RIP Tom, and this one’s for you.