Montana Outlaw BBQ Chicken Rub 7.1 Oz Sweet and Savory with just the right amount of salt and smoke. Montana Outlaw BBQ Chicken Rub is the perfect rub for your grilled or fried chicken. The smoky and sweet flavor adds just the right tang to anything on the grill. It has a subtle heat and plenty of sweet to spice up your weeknight. Try it on seafood for a flavor that will wow the taste buds. Use this rub in combination with our beef rub if you like a little more heat! Features 7.1 Oz Bottle Sweet and Savory with just the right amount of salt and smoke Great for chicken thighs, breasts, and whole birds 2016 World Championship BBQ team Montana Outlaw BBQ

  • 7.1 Oz Bottle
  • Sweet and Savory with just the right amount of salt and smoke
  • Great for chicken thighs, breasts, and whole birds
  • 2016 World Championship BBQ team Montana Outlaw BBQ
  • Red
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