National Hardware N223-230 3179BC Double Bolt Snap in Solid Bronze

Product Description Whether for home, farm, builder or industrial customers, National has all the right hardware in the sizes and finishes you need. With over a century of service National is committed to maintaining the highest level of product quality, innovation and manufacturing technology. Providing latching and fastening options for all of your indoor and outdoor uses. From dog chains to cattle snaps, there is a multitude of attachment snaps in bronze, plated and even stainless finishes. This assortment of snaps meets the needs of agricultural to household. From the Manufacturer Whether for home, farm, builder or industrial customers, National has all the right hardware in the sizes and finishes you need. With over a century of service National is committed to maintaining the highest level of product quality, innovation and manufacturing technology. Providing latching and fastening options for all of your indoor and outdoor uses. From dog chains to cattle snaps, there is a multitude of attachment snaps in bronze, plated and even stainless finishes. This assortment of snaps meets the needs of agricultural to household.

  • Double bolt is for quick attachment
  • Excellent for marine and other outdoor applications
  • Stainless steel spring
  • Solid bronze body and bolt
  • Stainless steel spring
  • Double bolt is for quick attachment
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